The #Fediverse now has 12,281,466 users.
The #Fediverse now has 12,281,466 users. Within the past month, it grew by 1.5M accounts. This represents the biggest month of growth since November 2022.
FediDB, Fediverse Network Stat... -
The #Fediverse now has 12,281,466 users. Within the past month, it grew by 1.5M accounts. This represents the biggest month of growth since November 2022.
FediDB, Fediverse Network Blue Sky is in the #fediverse ? I didn’t understand that. Could you confirm #mastodon ? Thanks
- Blue Sky is in the #fediverse ? I didn’t understand that. Could you confirm #mastodon ? Thanks
@audelherete nope, not officially.
However, I'm sure Kevin is also on the fediverse and this is probably just a crosspost.
@audelherete nope, not officially.
However, I'm sure Kevin is also on the fediverse and this is probably just a crosspost. It's actually plagiarism from someone else's post. A literal copy/paste. Sad and pathetic.
- It's actually plagiarism from someone else's post. A literal copy/paste. Sad and pathetic.
@DavidBHimself @audelherete what a loser.
If it was on a different platform, maybe I'd understand, but that's fuckin ridiculous.
Same thing happened to me on Nostr, but it was an AI art that I worked on.
Though, when I called the guy out, he eventually apologized and sent me 2$.
Wild outcome for that one, as I just expected him to credit me.
People are strange.