The amount of people that think that the chairs they used to hit people over the head with in wrestling are fake is astounding.
The amount of people that think that the chairs they used to hit people over the head with in wrestling are fake is astounding.
They're real and they gave MANY concussions, hence why they don't do that anymore and if you see a chair being swung, a wrestler always has their hands up.
If they don't, they're usually ridiculed for being unsafe.
It's a performance, but the performance requires VERY real stunts. They can, and have caused major injuries and death.
Stop saying pro wrestling is fake, because I'm sure Owen Hart and Darren Drozdov would highly disagree. Well, maybe not Owen Hart because he died in the ring and couldn't tell you that he disagrees.
The amount of people that think that the chairs they used to hit people over the head with in wrestling are fake is astounding.
They're real and they gave MANY concussions, hence why they don't do that anymore and if you see a chair being swung, a wrestler always has their hands up.
If they don't, they're usually ridiculed for being unsafe.
It's a performance, but the performance requires VERY real stunts. They can, and have caused major injuries and death.
Stop saying pro wrestling is fake, because I'm sure Owen Hart and Darren Drozdov would highly disagree. Well, maybe not Owen Hart because he died in the ring and couldn't tell you that he disagrees.
@BeAware the I Quit match between Mick Foley and the Rock is infamous for exactly that reason. Rock delivered something like twenty unprotected chair shots to the head. Of course Foley always was crazy but that’s still excessive.
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@BeAware the I Quit match between Mick Foley and the Rock is infamous for exactly that reason. Rock delivered something like twenty unprotected chair shots to the head. Of course Foley always was crazy but that’s still excessive.
@copernicron facts! It's still wild that he doesn't have serious mental issues at his old age!
The amount of people that think that the chairs they used to hit people over the head with in wrestling are fake is astounding.
They're real and they gave MANY concussions, hence why they don't do that anymore and if you see a chair being swung, a wrestler always has their hands up.
If they don't, they're usually ridiculed for being unsafe.
It's a performance, but the performance requires VERY real stunts. They can, and have caused major injuries and death.
Stop saying pro wrestling is fake, because I'm sure Owen Hart and Darren Drozdov would highly disagree. Well, maybe not Owen Hart because he died in the ring and couldn't tell you that he disagrees. And let's not forget about Hayabusa breaking his neck in ring, turning him into a quadriplegic.
- And let's not forget about Hayabusa breaking his neck in ring, turning him into a quadriplegic.
@TheLastOfHisName same with Droz, I just didn't name Hayabusa because he wasn't as easily searchable given his name is seemingly common in Japan?
@copernicron facts! It's still wild that he doesn't have serious mental issues at his old age!
@BeAware he’s been pretty open about having memory issues these days. Like he can’t remember written promos anymore and that’s why he’s not on tv. And he’s not medically qualified to wrestle at all because of all the abuse he put his body through.
@BeAware he’s been pretty open about having memory issues these days. Like he can’t remember written promos anymore and that’s why he’s not on tv. And he’s not medically qualified to wrestle at all because of all the abuse he put his body through.
@copernicron facts, but he's not mentally insane was my point.