Hi folks.
Hi folks. It seems an #introduction post is the way to get things started around here, so here’s mine.
I’m a 40-something #Irish person who has been living in the US for almost 20 years now.
I’m married to the greatest human I know and I’m a Dad to two young (slightly feral ) boys. They keep me very busy.
I haven’t spent much time on social media over the last 5-6 years. Partially due to #parenthood consuming my entire life but also because social media turned into a grotesque hellscape.
tiredforms@hachyderm.ioreplied to tiredforms@hachyderm.io last edited by
After a little browsing and some lurking, I liked the early web vibes eminating from the fediverse and microblogging. A little more kindness and decency. A little less craziness. Fewer nazis. What's not to love!
If you're interested in (here come a *lot* of hashtags) #p5js #creativecoding #parenting #technology #soccer #football #manutd #sampling #koalasampler #mpc #sp404 #hiphop #drumnbass #breakbeat #techno #jungle #triphop, #electronicmusic or just about any other #music really, say hello