New instance, new #introduction
New instance, new #introduction
My name is Mike (a.k.a. "shellsharks”) - I am a security researcher, #IndieWeb advocate, all-things #Fediverse convert and all around #tech enthusiast.
I write about #infosec, #technology and #life over at
Here's some other stuff I like... #apple #sports #travel #battlestations #food #starwars #lotr #pokemon #gaming #space #fitness #nba #basketball #hiking #camping #music #coding #programming #cybersecurity
So what's going on with this instance? Is this my "main" presence or am I still on Fair question. The answer is, yes! This is a #GoToSocial instance, on a new fun, shiny, vanity domain. If it works out, I might end up moving all my activity over here and shutting down the Mastodon instance I have at Until then, I'm operating out of both spaces. This also means that for now, I haven't migrated my followers (or followed accounts) over here, so don't be offended if I haven't followed you back yet! I don't want to knock this fairly low-spec'ed instance over so I'm taking it slow with how I am using it.
Why am I doing this? Well for one main reason really, I wanted an instance where I could post more than 500 characters at a time. GtS gives me that, and much more. Bonus points for A. being less resource intensive than Mastodon (so cheaper to run), B. more customizable and C. I could get an even more ridiculous vanity domain.
So don't be surprised to see a lot more from this account than my usual @shellsharks account. If you'd like, you can follow me here for now. No worries either way.
See y'all around Fedi!
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