how hard would it be to manage a fediverse site that doesn't have a domain, just the IP address?
how hard would it be to manage a fediverse site that doesn't have a domain, just the IP address?
(edit: also how would one deal with dynamic IPs for when the address changes? bc you'd need to notify known servers of the new address, no?)
#fediadmin #mastoadmin #sysadmin -
how hard would it be to manage a fediverse site that doesn't have a domain, just the IP address?
(edit: also how would one deal with dynamic IPs for when the address changes? bc you'd need to notify known servers of the new address, no?)
#fediadmin #mastoadmin #sysadmin@JuxGD I don't think you'd want your Fedi address to be an IP address, do you?🤨
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