sometimes i wonder though, why is scryfall an LLC and not like some kind of nonprofit.
sometimes i wonder though, why is scryfall an LLC and not like some kind of nonprofit. surely they're not making bank off of patreon bucks and/or people paying :10bux: to access uhh, the tagger
sometimes i wonder though, why is scryfall an LLC and not like some kind of nonprofit. surely they're not making bank off of patreon bucks and/or people paying :10bux: to access uhh, the tagger
i expect the answer to be something like "in the US it's piss easy to set up an LLC and annoying to set up a nonprofit"
i expect the answer to be something like "in the US it's piss easy to set up an LLC and annoying to set up a nonprofit"
@codl yeah
@codl yeah
@codl llc you just need to file a form and pay a fee. nonprofit you need to prove a lot of stuff. source: i am an llc