@BeAware @polarity @hopland @zilog80 I think a huge part of this is funding. To move quickly you need someone to be able to dedicate a lot of time. To do that, they usually either need someone to pay them to do it or they need to think that there might be a payout down the line. As long as the fediverse doesn't have a monetization scheme, you can't move quickly on anything. An API for search where people could then monetize their own third-party search solution could be a good step.

The #fediverse needs to come to terms with one thing: on content platforms, chronological ordering is probably good for your subscription feeds, but for the #discovery feed the average user actually WANTS an #algorithm. -
The #fediverse needs to come to terms with one thing: on content platforms, chronological ordering is probably good for your subscription feeds, but for the #discovery feed the average user actually WANTS an #algorithm. -
The #fediverse needs to come to terms with one thing: on content platforms, chronological ordering is probably good for your subscription feeds, but for the #discovery feed the average user actually WANTS an #algorithm.@BeAware @hopland @zilog80 @polarity
What are the valid points, and why are they easier to address with a client side solution? I'm a little bit of a data science guy, though I teach machine learning and not search algorithms
If an indexing service simply respected a server or account flag to be ignored, wouldn't that be enough? Or is it important that a specific account has different visibility to various searchers?
The #fediverse needs to come to terms with one thing: on content platforms, chronological ordering is probably good for your subscription feeds, but for the #discovery feed the average user actually WANTS an #algorithm. -
The #fediverse needs to come to terms with one thing: on content platforms, chronological ordering is probably good for your subscription feeds, but for the #discovery feed the average user actually WANTS an #algorithm.I really want this particular discussion to become more coherent across the different people bringing it up. Is there a good hashtag for it, or should we invent one? #fedisearch?