Basically the US supreme court decided that only your own country is permitted to spy on you and software from other countries must be divested and cannot be used in your country. I'm in Australia.Did anybody think this through?
At last streams lets site admins choose whether to permit animated profile images on your site. For other platforms you're probably on your own. You probably don't remember or even know about the whole mybloglog fiasco, where you would open your browser to find live action porn on over 90% of the site pages; all because they allowed animated images, and there was no way to turn them off. Those who don't know history...
@mstrohm to be honest, if it's just a troll and not someone actually breaking the rules, one should simply just block.If they're not rule-breaking, reporting them adds more strain to the moderation teams.
@love_laugh_loco it's only for filling out the information. Since they're both federated, you don't need to "link" them. The way to share posts between them is simply by boosting.
@BeAware @WebCoder49 @fell @daniebeler I would love to move to a pixelfed-only stance, since this was one of the key selling points of the Fediverse, right?
@ppb1701 well, just in case anyone else reads this in the future:Completely blocking off formerly walled gardens with millions of flowers just makes your garden look petty.
@massivelyop this is a MASSIVE fuck up.They severely underestimated the intelligence of their players and won't be getting away with it.Will be interesting to see how they try to salvage it, not sure if it will be possible.
@BeAware Unfortunately for them, I care far less than I did even 6 months ago. The same people who bailed on Twitter and drove me here did NOT ultimately end up on Threads. They're all on BlueSky. Every last one.Which in some sense is a shame... Because actual full direct Threads federation to Fedi would be a whole hell of a lot more seamless than the opt-in BlueSky bridge.