Friendly reminder:
Friendly reminder:
If you encounter a troll on Mastodon, please take the time and report them. If you have a bit of extra time, invest a few more minutes to gather more evidence via the trolls profile before reporting them. Make sure that your report gets forwarded to the server where the troll has their account.
Trolls get blocked here on Mastodon, contrary to what you might have experienced on corporate ad networks from Meta, Musk and others.
Friendly reminder:
If you encounter a troll on Mastodon, please take the time and report them. If you have a bit of extra time, invest a few more minutes to gather more evidence via the trolls profile before reporting them. Make sure that your report gets forwarded to the server where the troll has their account.
Trolls get blocked here on Mastodon, contrary to what you might have experienced on corporate ad networks from Meta, Musk and others.
@mstrohm to be honest, if it's just a troll and not someone actually breaking the rules, one should simply just block.
If they're not rule-breaking, reporting them adds more strain to the moderation teams.
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