Relaxing treatment of non-notes by Mastodon
darius@friend.campreplied to on last edited by
@trwnh @erincandescent fwiw I'm 100% on board for following Collections exposed as streams. It seems to me the reasonable solution to the as:Listen-spamming issue here. If you subscribed explicitly to get as:Listen then it is completely reasonable to expect your client to know how to handle it in a way that is not annoying to the end user
trwnh@mastodon.socialreplied to on last edited by
@erincandescent haha, I don’t think it’s violent! nor do I think it’s completely agreement, either — we probably still disagree about the fundamental nature of an Activity, for example.
To summarize, how I think we should proceed is that we should implement more generic support for text reprs of arbitrary objects, including arbitrary activities. My happy default is that any object with content is a “post”, and beyond that, you MAY choose to support contentless Activity types with side effects.
erincandescent@akko.erincandescent.netreplied to on last edited by@trwnh @julian @mike @hongminhee @thisismissem @pfefferle @michael @renchap and I agree, but I think this approach if actually implemented really combinatorially explodes the protocol. An implication of this direction of thought is that your like has a likes collection, and that likes collection has it's own likes collection, ad infinitum.
You really can express absolutely everything in ActivityPub/AS2 and it's it's biggest flaw IMO. The combinatorial explosion really paralyses implementers -
trwnh@mastodon.socialreplied to on last edited by
@darius @erincandescent It’s all just email subscriptions in my head, lol. Like in Github you can choose to be notified of comments, forks, etc. as you please. If LastFM added support for email notifications any time a friend scrobbled anything, and you subbed to that, well… hey, it’s your inbox, right?
erincandescent@akko.erincandescent.netreplied to on last edited by@trwnh @hongminhee @julian @michael @mike @pfefferle @renchap @thisismissem if we got to do a clean slate do over, I'd commit to either full unification or separation of objects and activities, and also the "implicit collections" would not be reified as Objects (ideally we'd get structural addressing too: you'd be able to explicitly refer to a users followers - for example - without having to know the URL of the collection)
erincandescent@akko.erincandescent.netreplied to on last edited by
trwnh@mastodon.socialreplied to on last edited by
@erincandescent @julian @mike @hongminhee @thisismissem @pfefferle @michael @renchap
This is why it should be simplified to “just render the content/summary/name” for blogging-oriented apps. The combinatorial explosion is a consequence of hyperlinks. You can’t do away with it. Side effects should be progressive enhancements.
As a publisher, what you CAN do is decide not to put a `likes` collection on everything. This means that the Like of a Like has no side effects.
jenniferplusplus@hachyderm.ioreplied to on last edited by
@erincandescent @julian @mike @hongminhee @thisismissem @pfefferle @trwnh @michael @renchap
In that clean slate scenario, i would want to explore moving the information carried by activities into headers. -
trwnh@mastodon.socialreplied to on last edited by
@erincandescent @darius I heavily dislike the firehose model and would be terrified if my email inbox submitted to the same philosophy.
laurenshof@indieweb.socialreplied to on last edited by
@erincandescent @darius @trwnh the fediverse in general could benefit from thinner servers and thicker clients, it would make all these interop discussions so much easier
erincandescent@akko.erincandescent.netreplied to on last edited by
laurenshof@indieweb.socialreplied to on last edited by
@erincandescent @darius @trwnh right, yeah, i meant this as a i'm-shouting-with-you-in-agreement-post
trwnh@mastodon.socialreplied to on last edited by
@jenniferplusplus @erincandescent @julian @mike @hongminhee @thisismissem @pfefferle @michael @renchap
We should go back to WebSub… and we should also go back to calling it PubSubHubbub
erincandescent@akko.erincandescent.netreplied to on last edited by@trwnh @darius I actually think this demonstrates a fundamental flaw in the email model
There are times you want to be able to do endpoint to endpoint but potentially automatic message exchanges, and email doesn't really have a mechanism for doing this
The straightforward example is my client noticing your S/MIME or GPG key is expiring and asking if there's a new one -
evan@cosocial.careplied to on last edited by
@trwnh @thisismissem @pfefferle @hongminhee @julian @renchap @mike @michael icon, image can help too.
trwnh@mastodon.socialreplied to on last edited by
@erincandescent @darius i think this could be solved by declaring specific endpoints for these things. no reason it should ever reach my inbox unless it's meant for my attention.
erincandescent@akko.erincandescent.netreplied to on last edited by
evan@cosocial.careplied to on last edited by
@erincandescent @julian @mike @hongminhee @thisismissem @pfefferle @trwnh @michael @renchap In, we divided the inbox stream between "major" (new content, new shares) which is shown in a home timeline interface and "minor" (everything else) streams which are shown like notifications. Your scrobbles should be notifications and should be silenceable by the recipient.
trwnh@mastodon.socialreplied to on last edited by
@erincandescent @darius if the actor represents me, then it is "my" inbox.
the correct solution imo is to spin up more bespoke actors. i'd really like to build upon the concept of "programmable actors", i.e., actors that are automated to act a certain way with activities they receive in their inbox. for example, a Relay could be defined as a programmable actor that Announces the object of any Create it receives, or Announces any activity it receives, or whatever. and it should be a JSON-LD type
erincandescent@akko.erincandescent.netreplied to on last edited by